A Note On Yoga
Yoga stands primarily as the Science of Light/light. (Written “Light” implies from the Divine Itself; written “light,” to and from the human and all other orders of being.) Understand first, the human body and all else – trees, plants, animals, rocks, minerals, water – in short, almost every conceivable thing in this world has Light/light as its beginning point. The Bible tells us, בראש׳ת ברא אלה׳ם את השמ׳ם ואת הארץ, in Hebrew; ’ξν άρχη έποίησεν o θεός τον ουρανόν και την γην, in Greek; In Principio creavit Deus coelum et terram, in Latin; In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, in English – in each of the four languages implying, when the name “God” is used, at the beginning of Genesis understand, “Light.” Nothing else, but Light. (Then when one’s being stands filled with Light: divine Love, not human, fills one’s heart to the bursting! Yoga in some form pours its transcendent energy out in glorious abundance.) These texts can be more clearly brought into one’s thought-process formulations by knowing a few of the essential Yoga formations arising from Light/light within the human body. For example, mandala and yantra are concentrated light through geometry used both within and outside the human body. Mantra uses sound-vibrations which, when correctly uttered, configure to geometric-sound forms. Power to the heart/mind arises from this which has virtually unlimited possibility – only limited by human interference, for true Power arises only from the Divine Itself. By comparison, man does not exist! The body, understood from Yoga, is a universe: all we have to work with. The various means Yoga and the other sacred Sciences employ – shown very clearly in the Yoga-Sūtra especially – lead toward making the body/mind diamond: only then can it be filled with Light/light. As to Yoga more specifically, the Yoga-Sūtra comprise the most ancient authoritative text. It emphasizes the individual as he exists within the cosmos. The Sāṃkhya-Karika, the oldest text within the sad-darśana, emphasizes the cosmos being in its totality within the individual. Historically, Tantra comes much later than the Sāṃkhya-Karika or the Yoga-Sūtra. It principally has two functions – (a) if one can speak of a religion within the Sanskrit-determined culture incorrectly called “Hindu” since early Greeks mispronounced certain Brāhmanic words, then a chief function of Tantra becomes that of supplying a connecting link between all “religious” or sacred structures having their origin in India and (b) Tantra’s second chief function can be seen as dealing with the geometry and the physics arising out of the several functions and energies expressed throughout the human mind/body as it performs its activities either at rest or in motion.
Lectures on the ṣaḍdarśana by Haven O’More will be available from this site at a later date. The topics include: Hatha-Yoga which deals with the individual within the cosmos; the Yoga-Sūtra, dealing entirely with gaining Light/light; and the The Sāṃkhya-Karika which deals with the cosmos in the individual, and THE MIND AND ITS PLACE, summarized in one Biblical passage: Be still and know that I am God.
Produced and directed by Jim Kasper. Screenplay by Haven O’More. In this 1972 film, HATHA YOGA DARSHANA, (roughly translated the Hatha-Yoga Point of View), Haven O’More introduces the western audience to darshana, the point of view that is unbound by time and space. Through correct practice of Hatha-Yoga, demanding tāpas, abhyāsa, and yajña (heat generation, correct discipline of practice, and sacrifice), one can enter into the state of kāmacaraṇ, the Mover-at-Will. The Mover-at-Will functions as the Comprehensor, not a spacetime-transitory state but, rather, eternal. Awareness, clear-seeing, then determines one’s actions, not reactions, fears, or hope. O’More demonstrates a few of the 84 x 100,000 possible asana-s that encompass the totality of the psychic states open to man. Through the precision of these asana-s and a text that draws heavily on the Yoga-Sūtra of Patanjali, O’More makes clear the root meaning of Hatha-Yoga: joining the sun-energy and the moon-energy in man – in other words, the process of turning man time-bound into Man or Universal Man Himself not time-bound, not limited by anything whatsoever.
Video available soon